
Our Services

Medical Missions To The Dominican Republic

In addition to traveling for pleasure, Dr. Del Negro has also made it a point to travel to the aid of underdeveloped countries that have limited or no access to healthcare. He’s a member of the Volunteer Health Program (VHP), which is a nonprofit organization that provides surgeries to underserved rural areas of Central America.

“It’s humbling to see how little some people in other parts of the world have,” says Dr. Del Negro. “The lack of healthcare is astounding – people going blind waiting to have cataracts removed, or, even worse, living with untreated glaucoma or other treatable eye diseases that can cause blindness. We are there for such a short time [each year], but being able to help even in a small way is gratifying.”

These profound images capture the important work being done through the VHP DR. Missions throughout the years.


2025 Mission Trip, Dominican Republic

According to Darlene Della Rocca, RN, Co-founder and Chair, Volunteer Health Program, Ltd. the stats are in. She reported the record/bookkeeping crew’s mission statistics for 2025: A total of 1,409 patients were seen needing some kind of Ophthalmic or Dermatology care. The cataract team performed 178 surgeries; Strabismus, 78 surgical cases; Ocular plastics, 37 surgeries; and 18 Pterygiums.  Dermatology performed 40 minor cases and 102 patients were seen. There were 39 SLTs and 6 YAG treatments and 18 patients received prosthetic eyes. In addition, a large number of eyeglasses were provided to those in need.

Pictured here is the amazing team that made it all happen—life changing surgery and care. Until next year!

Visual Experience Foundation’s Annual Surfing for Vision Event

We were first introduced to the Visual Experience Foundation by its founder, Michael Benson, in 2018. Michael has a personal connection to this organization and has been successful in facilitating camaraderie, community, and adventure among the blind and visually impaired.

In 2018 Del Negro & Senft Eye Associates became a proud supporter of the foundation’s annual event, Surfing for Vision. In 2019, our team volunteered at the event and experienced first-hand the incredible impact on all participants, volunteers, and onlookers alike.

VEF calls on all participants to: “Feel the wind and ocean spray on your face, hear the beach and ocean sounds, taste the salt in the air and burn in your mind’s eye the thrill of riding a surfboard. You will be instructed and have someone with you at all times helping our riders experience the thrill of a lifetime.”

It is such an inspiring event that cultivates a beautiful sense of community among the visually impaired as well as those who volunteer year after year lending their time and talent to make these amazing experiences a reality. After a full day of surfing and wave running each participant leaves with a sense of personal satisfaction, exhilaration, and overwhelming support.

We will keep you posted on the date of the next Surfing for Vision event. In the meantime, the Visual Experience Foundation offers additional activities, as well as a mentor program, geared to support and enrich the visually impaired. Visit to learn more, sign up for events, donate, volunteer, or become a mentor.

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