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It’s National Sun Safety Week!

It’s National Sun Safety Week!

This week is National Sun Safety Week, and we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the importance of sunglasses protection.

Rain or shine, the sun is always present. When you’re in that cloudy day mentality, you may not think the sun is emitting damaging rays, but its strength does not discriminate. The truth is that the sun will find any exposed area and lay claim to it, no matter the weather. As a result, it’s important to wear sunglasses all year long to optimize the health and safety of your eyes.

When your eyes are exposed to the sun for too long, you may develop a condition called photokeratitis – which is essentially sunburn of the cornea.

Mild photokeratitis can feel as if there is grit stuck in the eyes, which is caused by layers of the cornea peeling as a result of the sunburn. Those with extreme cases, meanwhile, describe the condition as feeling as if their eyeballs are on fire. Over time, exposure to UV rays can increase risk for eyelid cancer and intraocular cancer, not to mention cataract development.

Additionally, when reflected off water, the sun can cause pain and discomfort. UV exposure can increase by as much as 25% when rays are scattered and reflected off of water. Remember this when you are enjoying water sports this summer or just lounging in the pool or ocean – and use sunglass protection always.

Check out our Eyewear Boutique’s large selection of designer sunglasses, and protect yourself in style.

Please note: It is important to have a complete ophthalmologic exam on a yearly basis.

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