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How Often Do I Need A Routine Eye Exam?

How Often Do I Need A Routine Eye Exam?

Most people don’t realize that routine eye exams are important, regardless of your age or your physical health.

During a comprehensive eye exam, the doctors at Del Negro & Senft Eye Associates do much more than just determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. They also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team, and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.

Be proactive with your health by scheduling a routine eye exam. Often, eye physicians can detect chronic systemic diseases during an exam – such as high blood pressure and diabetes – before primary care doctors have the opportunity.Additionally, many serious eye conditions show no symptoms until it is too late:

  • Glaucoma, also known as “the silent thief,” causes no pain or noticeable change in vision during the early stages of the disease. It can strike at any age, and if left unchecked can lead to blindness.
  • Macular degeneration (loss of central vision) takes years to develop, but early signs can be discovered during a routine exam and then closely monitored.
  • Diabetic retinopathy is the name given to diabetes’ adverse affects on the blood vessels in the eye. In the United States, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among adults.

Staying current with your eye exams will not only help prevent serious eye conditions in the future, but can also reveal health problems that may otherwise go unnoticed. Call Del Negro & Senft Eye Associates today to schedule your routine checkup!

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