25 Apr Don’t Forget To Schedule Your College Student’s Eye Exam During Summer Break
May and June are quickly approaching, and you know what that means…finals, the close of the spring semester, and the anticipation of seeing your college student under your roof again!
Summer is the time to enjoy a brief visit before you once again send them off for another year of educational growth – but since they are only home for a short amount of time, it’s also important to think of what needs to be accomplished in order to avoid the hassle of traveling back and forth to school.
Ultimately the summer is not always downtime, but rather an opportunity to regroup, enjoy each other’s company, and gear up for the fall semester. From making sure computers will run faster and shopping for the newest trends in bedding and accessories for dorm rooms to painstakingly selecting fall wardrobe essentials and most importantly scheduling as many doctors appointments as possible, you will definitely have your hands full.
One thing you must fit in is your college-bound student’s annual eye exam. This will ensure he or she has an updated prescription so the primary focus is on studies and activities, not irritation from allergies or dry eye. Doctors Shah and Wiedeman will work with contact lens wearers to select the best lenses for their lifestyle and educate them on proper care and disinfection of lenses to avoid any complications while they are away. If it’s time for a new pair of glasses to match an updated wardrobe, we also have an optical shop with a wide selection of frames. And if the young adults in your life don’t require corrective lenses, it’s still important to check and make sure their eyes are healthy and ready for another semester of learning!
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