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Cataract Awareness Month

Cataract Awareness Month

In honor of Cataract Awareness Month, our topic today focuses on three intraocular lens choices. When the time comes for you to schedule cataract surgery, this information will prepare you so that you can make an informed decision. In addition to the standard lens, you now have more choices thanks to Advanced Technology lens options. The one caveat – you must be a candidate.

This standard lens corrects for single vision. After surgery, you will need to wear either distance or reading glasses. If you have an astigmatism, it will not be corrected with this lens – so you may need glasses all the time. This advanced technology multifocal lens gives you the benefit of near, intermediate, and distance vision – reducing your dependence on glasses for reading and distance.The difference: We are correcting both your near and distance vision. This advanced technology lens specifically corrects for astigmatism. Your distance vision will be corrected just as the standard, but this lens goes one step further with astigmatic correction. After cataract surgery your dependence on distance or reading glasses will be reduced.
What makes me a candidate?
What makes me a candidate?
What makes me a candidate?
Anyone diagnosed with cataracts can have the standard lens implanted during cataract surgery. You must have good eye health and not suffer from eye disease. You must be diagnosed with an astigmatism.

To find out your eligibility, please call our office at 732-774-5566 to schedule a Cataract Evaluation with Dr. Del Negro or Dr. Senft. Learn which option is best suited for you and your lifestyle – every treatment is customized to meet your individual needs.

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