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Advanced Tools & Services For People With Compromised Vision

Advanced Tools & Services For People With Compromised Vision

Dr. Senft recently presented an educational seminar titled, “Technology & The Eye,” where he discussed specific features of Reading Machines and e-Reader devices such as Kindle and iPad—including making Text Size Larger, Dictation, Voice-Over, Wireless Braille Displays, Zoom, White Text On Black Background –and how each can improve the reading experience for individuals suffering from low vision. These advanced technology tools allow people to be productive and engage their mind, even if vision is compromised.

In a similar vein, another wonderful opportunity to consider is talking books and Braille through the NJ State Library Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC). If you or someone you know has compromised vision, you may want to explore its many offerings. The library is a great resource for individuals or families who are searching for the means to exercise and challenge their minds despite their physical limitations. The offerings are only available to members, so please visit their website to learn about the process. (

New Jersey residents may qualify for the program if their ability to read is affected by: a physical impairment, a reading disability, or a vision impairment.

Anyone who cannot read standard print, has difficulty holding a book, or has difficulty turning the pages of a book may qualify for TBBC’s services .TBBC, a division of the New Jersey State Library, is supported by funding from the State of New Jersey and the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act. TBBC is a regional library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), a division of the U.S. Library of Congress. The New Jersey State Library is affiliated with Thomas Edison State College.

TBC offers a wide range of materials to satisfy the most avid readers. The Braille and Audio Recording Download (BARD) allows members to download audiobooks, audio magazines, and Braille files. For user convenience, the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) mobile app is available on iPhones and iPads, and can be downloaded from Apple’s app store or from iTunes. Currently, there are over 25,000 audiobooks, 42 audio magazines, and numerous Braille files that can be downloaded from the BARD website.

BARD is a fantastic tool, but it isn’t the only resource out there. OneClickdigital has a media manager program that members can download to their computer. The media manager allows members to download and transfer audiobook files to their computer or to mp3 player. OneClickdigital apps for smartphones and tablets can be found by searching for ‘OneClickdigital’ in the app store you use for your smart device. Feel free to visit the website, as it is very educational and provides step by step videos and instructions to take advantage of whatever program best suits your needs.

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