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Contact Lenses

Our Services


Have you been told that you are not a candidate for contact lenses? New materials and designs make contact lenses an option for an ever increasing number of patients.

Drs. Shah and Carniglia utilize virtually all brands and types of contact lenses available today, including multifocal lenses, lenses to correct astigmatism, and specialty lenses for irregular corneas. We have a myriad of trial lenses in stock, and most patients leave the office with trial lenses the same day as their contact lens evaluation, or fitting.

New technology incorporated into contact lens materials and designs means that most patients can enjoy the freedom they provide.

Drs. Shah and Carniglia take pride in providing the clinical knowledge necessary for properly fitting you for contact lenses. Our physicians will take the time to discuss your lifestyle and vision correction needs and work with you to determine the best contact lens option for you.


Contact Lens Fitting Procedure

The first step for those who are interested in wearing contact lenses is a Complete Examination.

NOTE: The Contact Lens Fitting is a separate examination conducted the same day involving a detailed slit lamp examination, measurements of the size and shape of the cornea, contact lens refraction to determine the correct prescription power, as well as a comprehensive review of lens designs, materials, and solutions that may improve the comfort and health of your eyes.

Request an Appointment

Our goal is to contact you by phone within 24 hours of submission. If you find yourself in an EMERGENCY situation, please CALL 732-774-5566 instead.

Contact Lenses

We offer the following types of fittings:

  • Soft lenses
  • Astigmatism soft lenses
  • Bifocal or monovision soft lenses
  • Rigid gas permeable (RGP or “hard”)
  • Bifocal RGP lenses
  • Hybrid lenses (rigid gas permeable center with a soft skirt)


After a detailed complete exam, we will determine together the lens replacement necessary for your lifestyle, which include:

  • Quarterly
  • Monthly
  • Every 1-2 weeks
  • Daily*

*Consider single use daily contacts if you aren’t committed to wearing contacts every day. Enjoy skiing, playing tennis, going to the gym--have that special occasion to attend? Be prepared and make sure you have single use daily contacts on hand with your updated prescription. This convenient tactic will allow you to accommodate your active lifestyle as well as change up your look.

At Del Negro & Senft Eye Associates, we strive to be on the forefront of new technology and advancements in eye care. We also fit advanced specialty contact lenses specifically designed for patients diagnosed with keratoconus or patients who have irregular corneas secondary to corneal surgery.